Monday, March 6, 2017

Isn't is About Time to Call Alcohol a Poison?

Around the world many have died due to binge drinking Alcoholic products.

Recently a 23 year old, new father in Dominican Republic was offered 12,531 pesos, the equivalent of $641, by fellow club goers to down a bottle of tequila while onlookers videod him on their phones.

Seconds after finishing the bottle, Kelvin R Mejia was given the money while he struggled to stand.
He fainted in the bathroom and later died.  (Now there is a young widow and fatherless infant.)

Not only is alcohol a legal mind altering drug, it is a killer.

Binge drinking is common on colleges campuses here in the USA, poisoning and deaths have been reported, although we do not hear much about it of late. Senseless deaths.

If possible attend your local Town Hall meetings, get to know your State Representative and Senator. Isn't it time we set out to convince them the of the urgent necessity of labeling all alcohol procucts as poison?

It is VERY possible that those in politics do not know the truth about alcohol and the benefits our nation expereinced during the Prohibition era.