Tuesday, May 7, 2019

House Bill # HR 1175 and Senate bill #362 - Craft Beverage

House Bill HR 1175 –  Senate #362 

This bill would extend the temporary tax relief that brewers currently receive.  The House bill currently has 148 co-sponsors – some added as recently as May 2, 2019.  Senate Bill has 48 co-sponsors.

Below on this page, underneath "Links to Sites of Interest" you will find:

Information available for Bills in Congress - https://www.congress.gov/  -

Click on the link, enter the Bill Numbers in the next page and you can find out if your legislator is a co-sponsor.

WE WANT A NO VOTE ON THIS BILL.  Be sure to contact your legislators and tell them to vote "No."

There were 10,874 alcohol related traffic deaths in the US  in 2017.  We do not need to give the producers of this alcoholic product any tax break.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Isn't is About Time to Call Alcohol a Poison?

Around the world many have died due to binge drinking Alcoholic products.

Recently a 23 year old, new father in Dominican Republic was offered 12,531 pesos, the equivalent of $641, by fellow club goers to down a bottle of tequila while onlookers videod him on their phones.

Seconds after finishing the bottle, Kelvin R Mejia was given the money while he struggled to stand.
He fainted in the bathroom and later died.  (Now there is a young widow and fatherless infant.)

Not only is alcohol a legal mind altering drug, it is a killer.

Binge drinking is common on colleges campuses here in the USA, poisoning and deaths have been reported, although we do not hear much about it of late. Senseless deaths.

If possible attend your local Town Hall meetings, get to know your State Representative and Senator. Isn't it time we set out to convince them the of the urgent necessity of labeling all alcohol procucts as poison?

It is VERY possible that those in politics do not know the truth about alcohol and the benefits our nation expereinced during the Prohibition era.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How Does Alcohol Cause Cancer?

From the article “How Does Alcohol Cause Cancer?” by Aine MCarthy
Cancer  Research from the UK  2/9/2016

While there may be a perception that the health risks of alcohol apply to heavy drinkers, research is revealing that it is not drinking large amounts of alcohol that increases your chances
of developing cancer – drinking small amounts can be harmful, too. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Previous Posts on Legislation

  •  Bipartisan Bill Aims to Combat Increasing Use of Synthetic Drugs
By Join Together Staff - September 22nd, 2015
A bipartisan group of U.S. representatives has introduced a bill designed to combat the increasing use of synthetic drugs, according to Roll Call. The bill would add more than 200 compounds to the list of Schedule I drugs, which are likely to be abused and have no medical uses.....continued here
  • Hilton Worldwide, a leading hotel chain, has just announced that it will no longer offer "adult" movies at any of its branded facilities.
From the Family Research Council June 11, 2015.  Read the whole story here ... Go the link and sign the petition.
  •  In July 2015 the House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, legislation that is essential to stopping late abortion. The vote coincided with the two-year anniversary of the conviction of infamous abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was found guilty of killing late term babies who were alive outside the womb.  For call to action click here.
  •  From the Parents Television Council.  TAKE ACTION: Tell McDonalds to Stop Paying for Jokes about Childhood Sex Abuse click here.